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2019-04-17 HKICON CPD Lecture - Arnold K

Mission & Vision

Mission & Vision

HKICON's mission is:

- To promote the general advancement of architectural conservation and to facilitate the acquisition of knowledge of various arts, sciences and practices concerned therewith;

- To enhance awareness and appreciation of architectural conservation resources and the contribution of architectural conservation professionals;

- To establish and maintain principles and standards of practice for architectural conservation professionals;

- To represent, support and further the interests of architectural conservation professionals in Hong Kong;

- To apply the collective expertise of members of the Institute in an advisory role to the Government and the architectural conservation profession in Hong Kong;

- To foster communication and collaboration amongst members of the Institute, the Government, inter-governmental organizations, local and overseas professional bodies and their members as well as the public at large; and

- To do all such other things as are incidental or conducive to the attainment of the above objects.

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